Engage Fans from the Sidelines

ScoreVision LED Scorers Tables



Engage fans from your sidelines with mobile LED scoring carts by AAE, powered by ScoreVision software. These mobile scoring carts, designed for outdoor use, can bring more excitement, more sponsorship revenue, and a professional fan experience to your games. Explore the engaging features they bring to your sidelines below.

Sponsor Ads

Sponsor Ads

Unlock more fundraising revenue for your athletic program. ScoreVision Cloud makes it easy to show automated ad sequences on your mobile scoring cart.

Score Information

Score Information

Show score information on all-digital, custom scoreboards for football, soccer, lacrosse, and rugby games – pushed automatically from your Scorekeeper Apps with no extra effort.

Multimedia Content

Multimedia Content

Engage fans from the sidelines with graphics, videos, and other media content controlled by the ScoreVision Producer App, the most user-friendly game production software on the market.

Have questions about ScoreVision?

Powered by ScoreVision Software
ScoreVision Scorekeeper App


Scorekeeper App

Scores are pushed automatically to your connected mobile LED scoring carts and Fan App with no extra effort or double-entry.

Producer App


Producer App

Engage fans with media content like graphics, videos, and animations, controlled by ScoreVision’s user-friendly Producer App.

Fan App


Fan App

Pair mobile LED scoring carts with the ScoreVision Fan App to engage fans, share game information, and show sponsor ads to fans both in the stands and outside your stadium.

ScoreVision Cloud



Manage your game information and automate sponsor ads to show on your mobile LED scoring carts. Everything is easily set up ahead of game-time in ScoreVision Cloud.

Fan App


Capture App

Share video highlights from the game to your fans everywhere with the ScoreVision Capture App and Fan App.

SCOREVISION Mobile LED Scoring Carts

Elevate These Sports

Engage Fans

from the Sidelines
with ScoreVision

Let ScoreVision software and AAE mobile LED scoring carts take your fan experience to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about how ScoreVision can help your athletic program.